My Habit Of Hello

UPDATE: Check out Random Acts of Love on Facebook!

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Hello! Today Is The Best Day Ever.

Habits aren’t always bad. There are some good habits we each have, too.

Making a meaningful connection or simply saying hello to random¹ strangers² is one of my favorite habits to engage in, especially when traveling!

In line the security line at LAX, I found myself reading a simple sentence printed on the front of a woman’s shirt standing near me in the line. Here is what it read:

“Today is the best day ever”

What an interesting possibility! What if your today really does hold the potential to be one of the best days of your life thus far? I’m glad I followed my intuition and told the woman just how much I loved the message printed on her shirt.

Her response? “Oh, thanks! It’s my very own line!” (Don’t forget, we’re in L.A.!)

She must have heard my You Better Network talk because the next thing I knew she and I were swapping business cards, taking selfies and discussing the importance of staying positive and optimistic in a world that so often seems to be a dividing opposite.

My hello habit seems to always work out for me. What good habit or trait do you possess that makes your day – and the day of those around you – a better one?

¹ Nothing is random; even old CD players started using the term shuffle vs random
² I’ve never once met a stranger — and trust me, I’ve tried!


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